Petitions filed by MSEDCL

Sr. No. Case No. Forum Details of the Petition Prayers Order
1 122 of 2015
MERC For amendment in the Case 1 Stage 1 Competitive Bidding PPAs with regard to Contracted Capacity and related provisions To allow to amend and reduce Contracted Capacity in the PPA of APML (1320 MW) and JSW (300 MW) to Net Rated capacity (i.e. Installed Capacity – Auxiliary consumption as per applicable MERC norms) as 1234 MW i.e. 1320-86 MW and as 273 MW i.e. 300-27 MW respectively. 05.03.2018
2 44 of 2016
MERC Petition for removal of difficulties in implementation of MERC order dated 04.08.2015 (Case 190 of 2014) in the matter of verification of Compliance of RPO target by MSEDCL for FY 2013-14. To set aside the order dated 04.08.2015 In Case No. 190 of 2014. To allow MSEDCL to carry forward the shortfall not meet by MSEDCL by the end of FY 2015-16 to the next Review Period. 24.10.2017
3 70 of 2016
MERC Petition for seeking extension for time for meeting RPO shortfall on cumulative basis in respect of Non Compliance of RPO target by MSEDCL for FY 2014-15. To relax the RPO targets considering factors like RE potential, expected capacity addition, actual capacity addition , contracted capacity, actual availability, REC price etc. To review order dated 04.08.2015 in Case No. 190 of 2014. To consider ground realities and historical capacity addition in Mini/ Micro Hydro Sector. 24.10.2017
4 108 of 2016
MERC Petition for review and merging of Solar & non Solar RPO targets and to specify a composite RPO target by clubbing both Solar & non Solar RPO targets and other relevant issue. Merging of Solar & non Solar RPO targets and to specify a composite RPO target by clubbing both Solar & non Solar RPO targets. To include consumers above 1 MW upto 5 MW also as Eligible obligated entities for RPO compliance. To devise mechanism to monitor compliance of RPO target by OA consumers and captive consumers. 12.12.2017
5 114 of 2016
MERC Petition for providing mechanism for recovery of charges incurred on account of over-drawal of Indian Railways from the Grid. Arrangement of standby power by Indian Railway. To provide mechanism for recovery of transmission charges and losses. To provide a suitable mechanism for recovery of penalties on account of DSM Regulations due to over drawal by Railway from the grid. 19.03.2018
6 123 of 2016
MERC Miscellaneous Application in the matter of Petition filed by MSEDCL for Final True Up of FY 14-15, Provisional True Up of FY 15-16 & Multi Year Tariff for FY 16-17 to FY 19-20 (Case No. 48 of 2016) To modify the MYT Regulations 2015 to the extent applicable for MSEDCL for determination of O&M Expenses so as to cover the expenditure as submitted in petition. 23.10.2017
7 124 of 2016
MERC Petition for amendment / Modification in FAC regulations of MERC (MYT Regulations 2015). To allow to recover the FAC calculated for the month ‘n-2’ from the consumers of ‘n-2’th month to be billed in the month ‘n’ on the basis of their consumption of ‘n-2th’ month. 27.07.2017
8 151 of 2016
MERC Review Petition against MERC order dated 16.05.2016 (Case No. 9 of 2016) for enhancement of Connected load outside Muncipal Corporation under SOP Regulation 2014 (107 HP to 201 HP). Review the order dated 16.05.2016 (Case No. 9 of 2016). To allow enhancement of Connected load outside Muncipal Corporation under SOP Regulation 2014 (107 HP to 201 HP). 26.07.2017
9 152 of 2016
MERC MSEDCL has filed Petition for amendment in MERC (Multi Year Tariff) Regulations, 2015 regarding provisions of Bad Debts. To link the bad debts to revenue and 1.5% of the revenue or more may be provided for provision for the bad and doubtful debts being Regulation 82 of the MERC MYT Regulation 2015. 10.01.2018
10 176 of 2016
MERC Petition seeking Review of the MERC MYT order 03.11.2016 in case no. 48 of 2016 in MSEDCL’s petition for Final True Up of FY 14-15, Provisional True Up of FY 15-16 & Multi Year Tariff for FY 16-17 to FY 19-20 as per Regulation 5.1 of MERC (Multi Year Tariff) Regulation, 2015. Review the order dated 03.11.2016 (Case No. 48 of 2016). 20.11.2017
11 245 of 2016
CERC Fixation of and adjudication on the transmission charges for the proposed use of PGCIL’s inter state transmission facility of 400 KV Bhadravati S/s for conveyance of 200 MW from GMR Warora Energy Ltd. in terms of the PPA dated 17.03.2010. Approve PGCIL transmission line from Bhadrawati to Chandrapur as long term intervening transmission facility from 17.03.2014 for the period of 25 years. Direct GWEL to surrender 200 MW of transmission LTOA on the PGCIL line.To approve the transmission charges and losses for the use of contract path from Bhadrawati to Chandrapur. 27.03.2018
12 08 of 2017
MERC For Directions on Distribution Open Access Regulations, 2016. To conduct a public hearing in this matter. To issue directions and orders regarding irregular denial of transmission charges to the Distribution Licensee. To mandate information related to outcome of bid submitted to power exchange for day ahead transactions, To schedule power for complete 24 hours in case of day ahead OA and the min. schedule shall not be less than 75 % of max. schedule of the day. The banked energy purchased by MSEDCL to be accounted for meeting the RPO target of Distribution Licensee. The penalty shall be levied on the OA consumers not complying with provision of maximum demand in any month (instead of 3 consecutive month). To provide regulatory framework for disclosure of information relating to trading margin of traders. To regulate the supply agreement. To mandate installation of RTU-DC by PArtial OA consumers also. To direct SLDC to consider consecutive STOA application more than 3 months as Medium Term/ Long term OA. 04.05.2018
13 15 of 2017
MERC Petition seeking directions for optimization of power generation in the state of Maharashtra by reducing the technical minimum operation of the generating power plant as per CERC defined norms To set the Technical Minimum level of all the generating stations in Maharashtra at uniform level of 55% 01.03.2018
14 23 of 2017
MERC For Approval of pre-condition of furnishing Bank Guarantee / LC for granting Open Access to captive/ Group Captive consumers. Payment security mechanism in the form of BG/ Revolving LC equivalent to future CSS and other applicable charges. To issue directions that Captive power producers cannot apply for STOA for captive consumption during the FY. 17.01.2018
15 24 of 2017
MERC Petition regarding relief for Change in Law event due to applicability of Base Rate /MCLR in place of BPLR. To declare/ accept the Guidelines/ Circulars issued by RBI as Change in Law. Applicability of Base Rate /MCLR in place of BPLR. 16.11.2017
16 41 of 2017
MERC Petition for Revision in Wind Zone Class alloted by MEDA. To revise wind zone classification of 42 generators. Devise a procedure to adopt 80 m hub height data for wind power density measurement to link up actual generation data with wind zone classification. 03.04.2018
17 46 of 2017
MERC Modification in directives of MERC dated 01.03.2017 for refund of FAC for the period from April-16 to Oct-16 amounting to Rs. 379.54 Crs. To modify/ withdraw the FAC for the period from April-16 to Oct-16 amounting to Rs. 379.54 Crs so that the Fac for the said period may be adjusted at the time of truing up for FY 16-17. To apply revised methodology for computation of Fac from 01.11.2016 instaed of retrospectively from 01.04.2016. To allow to recover PP cost variation paid to MSPGCL and other generators during the period April to Oct 2016. 23.03.2018
18 85 of 2017
MERC Petition for removal of difficulties in implementation of MERC (Distribution Open Access) Regulation, 2016, (Provision of Banking). To amend the Regulatlon 20 of MERC (Distrlbution Open Access) Regulations 2016 and also allow tbe Subsequent amendments in Regulations by virtue of proposed Regulations. 27.03.2018
19 87 of 2017
MERC Petition in matter of Forecasting, Scheduling and Imbalance handling for renewable energy (RE) generating station. To provide guidelines at State level in respect of scheduling and forecasting of Wind and Solar power in view of Model Regulation by FOR. 06.11.2017
20 98 of 2017
MERC Petition in respect of Practice Directions on Processing of Open Access Applications. To provide Amendment of MERC (Distribution Open Access) and (Transmission Open Access) Regulations, 2016 in respect of wheeling and transmission charges to STOA. 19.06.2018
21 111 of 2017
MERC Petition on availabilty of generating stations To make suitable amendment to Section 44 and 48 of MERC MYT Regulations, 2016 to ensure consistent monthly availability of thermal generating stations for purpose of ensuring prudent power supply planning and reliable and quality power supply. 02.05.2018
22 128 of 2017
MERC Petition for revision in reconnection charges for restoration of supply of electricity. To approve the revision in reconnection charges and to approve the Notice charges to be recovered from defaulting consumers. Clubbed with MTR
23 157 of 2017
MERC Petition for in -principle approval for Short / Medium /Long term power purchase through Competetive bidding from RE. To meet the RPO of MSEDCL 06.12.2017
24 164 of 2017
MERC Seeking approval for procurement of 200 MW solar power on long term basis from solar projects (through M/s EESL) proposed to be setup in premises of S/s To meet MSEDCL Solar RPO Target. 09.01.2018
25 195 of 2017
MERC For Truing-up of Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) for FY 2015-16 and FY 2016-17, Provisional Truing-up of ARR for FY 2017-18 and revised estimates of ARR and Tariff for FY 2018-19 and FY 2019-20.  Tariff for FY 2018-19 and FY 2019-20 12.09.2018
26 78 of 2018
MERC For resolution of disputes and differences arising under the Standby Power Agreements dated 13 June, 2014 amended from time to time on 8 July, 2014, 29 August, 2015 and 30 June, 2016 executed between Global Energy Pvt. Ltd. and MSEDCL M/s Global be ordered and decreed to pay to the Petitioner a sum of Rs.9,82,60,352/- with further interest on Rs.6,32,69,488/- at the rate of 15% per annum from 31st December 2017 till payment 10.01.2019
27 115 of 2018
MERC Review Petition against MERC order dated 01.03.2018 in Case no. 15 of 2017 – Technical Minimum. To set the Technical Minimum level of all the generating stations in Maharashtra at uniform level of 55% and to provide compensation mechanism to the generator, if required. 19.10.2018
28 123 of 2018
MERC Review Petition against MERC order dated 27.02.2018 in Case no. 19 of 2017 – Petition of RattanIndia Power Ltd. regarding sale of un-availed generation capacity to third parties in terms of its PPAs with MSEDCL To declare that the contracted capacity under the PPA is exclusive right of MSEDCL which under ordinary circumstances cannot be taken away under the guise of TPS or in the alternative. MERC has no jurisdiction to adjudicate the non tariff related issue arising out of PPA. 24.10.2018
29 131 of 2018
MERC Approval for deviation in standard bidding document for long term procurement of solar power under ‘Mukhyamantri Sour KrishiVahiniYojana’ with 2 to 10 MW capacity projects connected to distribution network with total quantum of 1000 MW through competitive bidding, The minimum project capacity shall be 2 MW at single location. The ceiling rate shall be Rs. 3.30 per unit. 12.06.2018
30 132 of 2018
MERC Review Petition against MERC order dated 09.02.2018 in Case no. 77 of 2015 for considering M/s Sai Wardha as IPP for FY 2014-15 and allow levy of CSS / AS Levy of CSS and AS with interest for past period. 22.10.2018
31 133 of 2018
MERC Review Petition against MERC order dated 19.03.2018 in Case no. 159 of 2016 for considering M/s Sai Wardha as IPP for FY 2015-16 and allow levy of CSS / AS Levy of CSS and AS with interest for past period. 22.10.2018
32 147 of 2018
MERC Review Petition against MERC order dated 27.03.2018 in Case no. 85 of 2017 for amendment of Banking provision in DOAR 2016. Amendment of Banking provision by initiating a public consultation process in accordance with EA 2003. 19.07.2018
33 152 of 2018
MERC Review Petition against MERC order dated 03.04.2018 in Case no. 41 of 2017 – Wind Zone classification. To revise wind zone classification of 42 generators. Devise a procedure to adopt 80 m hub height data for wind power density measurement to link up actual generation data with wind zone classification. 09.07.2018
34 178 of 2018
MERC Petition for In-principle approval for Supply of day time power to Ag through Solar Project commissioned under Mukhyamantri Sour Urja Vahini Yojana Day time power to Ag through Solar project for 8 hours 19.07.2018
35 186 of 2018
MERC Review Petition against MERC order dated 02.05.2018 in Case no. 111 of 2017 – MSEDCL petition for monthwise availability of generators To make suitable amendment to Section 44 and 48 of MERC MYT Regulations, 2016 to ensure consistent monthly availability of thermal generating stations for purpose of ensuring prudent power supply planning and reliable and quality power supply. 24.10.2018
36 248 of 2018
MERC For review of the Commission’s common Order dated 4 May, 2018 in Case No. 37 and 38 of 2017 – M/s Kores and M/s Cooper. Regarding procedure for revision/restoration of contract demand of OA consumers. 30.10.2018
37 264 of 2018
MERC To Review certain issues in the Commission’s Order dated 12.07.2018 in Case No. 84 of 2015 – Tariff post expiry of EPA Tariff applicable post expiry of PPA for renewable projects. 02.11.2018
38 297 of 2018
MERC For recovery of annual fixed cost component in respect of MSEDCL for the energy supplied to the State pool, recovery of differential amount to be recovered towards variable rate, removal of anomalies and directions in regards to overdrawl by Mumbai utilities in Balancing and Settlement Mechanism as per provision of ABT Order dated 17.05.2007 in Case No 42 of 2006 in the matter of introduction of Availability Based Tariff Regime at State level within Maharashtra and other related issues. To issue directives regarding implementation of de-centralized scheduling and frequency linked deviation settlement mechanism.
To allow the recovery of estimated amount of Rs. 948.94 Cr towards fixed cost component for the net imbalance units supplied by MSEDCL to the state imbalance pool alongwith the carrying cost upto March 2018 Rs.179.08 Cr as mentioned in para 37 and an estimated amount of Rs. 2468.33 Cr towards compensation of variable charges alongwith carrying cost upto March 2018 Rs. 632.05 Cr as shown in para 44, thus to allow the recovery of total estimated amount of Rs. 4228.40 Cr.
To direct MSLDC to prepare monthly State Energy Account report.
To direct MSLDC not to pick up Koyna generation for state LGB and allow Mumbai utilities to exploit the existing FBSM mechanism.
39 304 of 2018
MERC For seeking approval for bidding documents of long term wind solar hybrid power procurement for 25 years to meet the Renewable Purchase Obligations. To accord approval for initiation of competitive bidding process for procurement of power from Wind-Solar Hybrid projects on long term basis to be established on the MEDA’s land to be provided on lease basis to MSEDCL. 18.12.2018
40 318 of 2018
MERC For review of the Commission’s Order dated 4 May, 2018 in Case No. 36 of 2017 (M/s Classic City OA matter) To hold that Generator cannot inject power into the grid without a valid permission/open access. 18.12.2018
41 321 of 2018
MERC For review of certain aspects of Mid Term Review Order dated 12 September, 2018 in Case No. 195 of 2017 To review the various aspects of MTR order dated 12.09.2018 24.12.2018
42 334 of 2018
MERC For approval to Bidding Documents for Long Term procurement (25 years) of 1000 MW Solar power from 10 clusters of 100 MW Floating Solar Projects to be developed on Ujjani Dam, Solapur through Competitive Bidding process for meeting the RPO The ceiling rate shall be Rs. 2.71 per unit. 18.12.2018
43 346 of 2018
MERC For removal of difficulties in interpretation of Dedicated Distribution Facilities and its implementation for MSEDCL for Agricultural Connections. To permit the facility of releasing Ag. Connection to new or existing Ag. consumers by dedicated distribution transformer supplied by extension of existing/ proposed electric line/ feeder(s), who request release of electricity connection out of chronology on HVDS system under ‘Dedicated distribution facilities’ scheme, on non-refundable basis. 18.12.2018
44 77 of 2018
APTEL Appeal in ATE against MERC order dated 16.11.2017 in Case No. 24 of 2017 To allow replacement of BPLR system by Base Rate/ MCLR system for LPS payment in the PPA under change in law provision of PPA. 27.04.2021
45 01 of 2019
MERC For Seeking the inclusion of revenue expenditure being incurred on providing discount under the GO-GREEN initiative & revenue expenditure being incurred on providing messaging service (SMS) as a part of aggregate revenue requirement (ARR) of respective year. To allow the discount of Rs. 10 per bill to the consumers who participate in MSEDCL’s “Go Green” initiative and also allow the revenue expenditure of the said initiative as a part of ARR of respective years. To consider revenue expenditure being incurred towards SMS services as pass through in ARR of respective years. 19.03.2019
46 02 of 2019
MERC For Non-Compliance of the Hon’ble MERC Order dated 19.03.2018 (in case no. 114 of 2016) under Section 142 & 146 of EA 2003 by Indian Railways (114 of 2016) Petition of MSEDCL for a mechanism for recovery of charges on account of over-drawal by Indian Railways To direct Indian Railways to sign standby agreement and pay standby fixed charges bill alongwith carrying cost (for Mumbai Area). To direct MSLDC to take immediate action against Indian Railways in case over-drawl by Indian Railways from the State Grid in the absence of standby arrangement 14.06.2019
and Corrigendum17.06.2019
47 06 of 2019
MERC For removal of difficulties in implementation of MERC (Standards of Performance of Distribution Licensees, Period for Giving Supply and Determination of Compensation) Regulations, 2014 in connection with releasing new connections and determination of compensation for Agriculture connection/ wadi-wasti and remote hutments/farmhouse locations. To waive SoP for release of Agriculture connection. 22.02.2019
48 20 of 2019
MERC For Removal of Difficulties in implementation of MERC (Net Metering for Roof-Top Solar Photo Voltaic Systems) Regulations, 2015 For replacement of Net Metering with Gross Metering system for the consumers to safeguard any additional burden on the consumers. 07.03.2019
49 23 of 2019
MERC Review Petition for post facto approval of MSEDCL’s Fuel Adjustment Charges (FAC) for the period of January, 2018 to March, 2018. To consider the Rs. 330 Crs amount deposited in RPO Regulatory charges Fund for the adjustment in the FAC of January, 2019 to March, 2019 as a power purchase cost. To allow MSEDCL to claim such amount deposited in RPO Regulatory Charges fund through adjustment in the FAC for future period also (i.e. April, 2019 onwards). To refund the holding cost levied on the RPO Regulatory charges fund in the FAC of January, 2019 to March, 2019. 02.04.2019
50 33 of 2019
MERC For Consideration of Deemed Generation on Account of Installation of OFF-GRID solar pump under various solar AG pump Scheme towards RPO fulfilment To consider power generated from Off-Grid Solar Pumps as the deemed renewable generation and to consider it for the RPO fulfillment of MSEDCL. 19.03.2019
51 50 of 2019
MERC For seeking approval for procurement of power from wind projects who’s EPAS with MSEDCL are expired. To allow MSEDCL to procure the Wind Power from the Wind generators of Group II, III and IV whose EPAs with MSEDCL are expired at the Tariff of Rs. 2.52/- per unit for balance useful life. To allow MSEDCL to claim such procurement for the fulfilment of RPO of MSEDCL 09.04.2019
52 W.P. 241 of 2019
High Court, Delhi Petition before HC, Delhi challenging CERC DSM 4th Amendment Regulations To defer implementation of these Regulations till stabilization of State Scheduling and Forecasting Regulations and State DSM Regulations i.e. 01st April 2020. Daily order 27.03.2019
53 APL 280 of 2019 (DFR No. 725 of 2019)
APTEL Appeal against MERC MTR Review Order dated 24.12.2018 in Case No. 321 of 2018. To modify the MTR Review order dated 21.12.2018 in respect of Definition of Billing Demand, Cross Subsidy Surcharge, Sharing of Gains/ Loss for FY 2016-17, Standby Agreement for SEZ/ Railways, Opening Normative equity.
54 Dairy No. 118 of 2019
CERC Petition before CERC to revoke the Trading License for breach of contractual agreement by allowing the source generators to sell power in exchanges instead of supplying power to MSEDCL as per contract/ LoI. To revoke the Trading License of M/s GMR Energy Trading, M/s Tata Power and M/s Manikaran Power.
55 65 of 2019
MERC Petition for Modification in FAC Regulations of MYT Regulation 2015 To allow to recover the FAC calculated for the month ‘n-2’ from the consumers for consumption in ‘n-2’th month to be billed in the month ‘n’. To allow to include the variation in PGCIL transmission charges under FAC calculation. To remove deduction being made in FAC of nth month on account of exceed of Distribution loss level as compared to approved level. 22.04.2019
56 Letter dated 9279 dated 03.04.2019
CERC MSEDCL’s Representation before CERC in line with directives of Hon’ble H.C, New Delhi regarding DSM 4th Amendment. Difficulty faced in implementing the DSM 4th Amendment Regulations, Exorbitant Penalty, mandate of sign change after every six time blocks. 28.05.2019
57 141 of 2019
APTEL Petition for imposition of 1.25 % penal interest per month over and above DPC. Petition against order dated 26.03.2019 (Case No. 26 of 2019) limited to the imposition of 1.25 % penal interest per month over and above DPC. 16.04.2019
58 90 of 2019
MERC Petition seeking clarification about interest on refund on account of change in tariff from HT continuous to HT non continuous consumers. To decide the issue of interest (not awarded in Case No. 94 of 2015) to be the awarded, if any, on the tariff difference amount for shifting from HT-Continuous to HT Non –Continuous and to allow the same to be claimed through ARR. 22.07.2019
59 105 of 2019
MERC Review Petition as directed by APTEL for imposition of 1.25 % penal interest per month over and above DPC. Review Petition against order dated 26.03.2019 (Case No. 26 of 2019) limited to the imposition of 1.25 % penal interest per month over and above DPC. 02.08.2019
60 167 of 2019
MERC Petition seeking approval for Procurement of 500 MW Flexible and Schedulable Power from Renewable Energy Sources with Energy Storage facility. For procurement of 500 MW power from flexible, schedulable power generators on long term basis for 25 years from renewable energy sources along with energy storage system through competitive bidding process. 29.08.2019
61 183 of 2019 MERC Petition seeking approval for Short Term Procurement of Power from Captive Power Plants (Conventional) under Section 62 and 86 (1) (b), (e) of The Electricity Act 2003. For purchase of short-term power from embedded & non-embedded CPPs based on conventional for FY 2019-20 & FY 2020-21 11.09.2019 
62 145 of 2019 MERC Petition seeking review of Commission’s Order dated 16.01.2019 in Case No. 278 of 2018 relating to measures for promoting fossil fuel based Captive Power Plants. For directions to release MSEDCL for preparing Standard Bidding Documents for the Competitive Bidding process and for conducting Competitive Bidding for procurement of power from Fossil Fuel based Co-generation projects and to withdraw ceiling Tariff of Rs. 3.50 per unit 11.09.2019 
63 196 of 2019 MERC Petition for removal of difficulties in implementation of MERC (Distribution Open Access) Regulations, 2016 and MERC (Distribution Open Access) (first amendment) Regulations, 2019. To seek clarity as to whether the amendment provided for RE banking in DOA (First Amendment) Regulations, 2019 is applicable to the existing OA Agreements/contracts/ transactions (existing MTOA and LTOA) from the date of notification of the said Amendment Regulations, 2019 or not. 13.11.2019 
64 338 of 2019


MERC Petition for reclassification of Wind Zones of Wind Energy Projects in Maharashtra. To revise wind zones based on actual generation data . MSEDCL’s notarized Application for withdrawal of petition in Case No. 338 of 2019 
65 346 of 2019

MERC Petition for seeking compensation from SECI on account of delay in SCOD of Solar plants. Seeking Compensation as per Power Sale Agreement Executed with Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (Intermediary Procurer) and compensation on account of delay in achieving the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date as per Power Purchase Agreement executed between Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (Intermediary Procurer) and Solar Power Developer 12.02.2021
66 21 of 2020

MERC Petition for relaxation of penalised clauses under RPO Regulations, 2019 and increase in ceiling tariff for procurement of Solar and Wind power through Competitive Bidding
To relax the penalised clauses under RPO Regulations, 2019 to the extent of non fulfilment of RPO target by 2022-23, fixation of tariff for procurement of RE power post expiry of EPA and increase in ceiling tariff for procurement of Solar and Wind power through Competitive Bidding 01.01.2021
67 189 of 2020

MERC Petition for seeking approval to allow MSEDCL to adopt the methodology of implementing Open tender policy and taking land on lease by paying rent under Mukhyamantri Saur Krishi Vahini Yojana (MSKVY) scheme To allow MSEDCL to adopt new methodology for implementing Open tender policy under Mukhyamantri Saur Krishi Vahini Yojana with celling rate of Rs 3.30 per unit. 29.10.2020
68 214 of 2020

MERC Petition seeking approval to float Open tenders under Mukhyamantri Saur Krishi Vahini Yojana. To allow MSEDCL to float the Tenders under Mukhyamantri Saur Krishi Vahini Yojana with the deviation in Guidelines for Development of Decentralised Solar Power Plants dated 13.12.2019 in regards to Minimum CUF from 15 % to 19 %. To initiate the tendering process without the provisions of lands with the ceiling Tariff of Rs. 3.30 per unit, till the online web land portal will be operational and land bank is available with MSEDCL in portal. To approve the formula/methodology for per unit impact for Change in law. 18.12.2020
69 84 of 2021 MERC Petition seeking directions to IPPs on account of Covid 19 pandemic. Directions to IPPs having long term PPA with MSEDCL for providing rebate in fixed charges, interest free deferment of capacity charges and reduced late payment surcharge on account of Covid-19 pandemic 04.05.2022
145 of 2021
MERC Petition for removal of difficulties in implementation under Regulation 19 of the MERC (Grid Interactive Rooftop Renewable Energy Generating System) Regulation, 2019. To provide necessary amendment in the GIRREGS Regulations 2019 by allowing Government owned consumers having arrears Rooftop RE generating system under Net Metering/Net Billing Arrangement under GIRREGS Regulations 2019 if they agree to participate in the MSEDCLs scheme for part payment of arrears. 07.07.2022
71 60 of 2022 MERC Petition seeking recovery of under recovery cross subsidy For recovery of under recovery cross subsidy and additional working capital requirement for FY 2020-21
72 68 of 2022 MERC Petition for procurement of power from NTPC power stations for Short Term period. In-Principal approval for procurement of the power re-allocated by Ministry of Power, Government of India from NTPC power stations for Short Term period. 25.04.2022
73 158 of 2022 MERC Petition seeking a review of certain arrangements and/or permissions given by MSEDCL to the Captive OA consumers under the impression that such entities are Captive Generating Plants. To Declare that the transactions bearing sale & purchase / agreement for procurement of power shall be treated as IPP – under Bilateral arrangement as envisaged in Section 10 of the Electricity Act