वितरण विभाग परिपत्रके

Sr.No Circular Reference Date Subject View/Download
92 CE(Planning)/GIS Mapping/01840 16/01/2025 Guidelines for Infrastructures mapping through GIS with the help of PM Gati Shakti APP
91 ED(Dist-II)/M-I/NSC-Guidelines/35530 14/11/2024 Infrastructure development for release of new connections/Enhancement of Load – Guidelines thereof
90 CE(Dist)/M-I/PS/Infra Guidelines/023715 01/08/2024 Infrastructure Development for release of New Connections – Revised Guidelines thereof
89 Ref.Director(Op.)/Dist./M-I/NC-Circular/37112 20/12/2023 Release of New Service Connections (Excluding Ag. Connections)-Guidelines thereof
88 CE(Dist)/M-I/NC/NC-Refund/15894 02/06/2023 Refund of expenditure on Infrastructure Development for release of New Connections under New Consumer/Connection (NC)-Refund Scheme.
87 CE(Dist.)/M-III/Schedule of Charges/14106 18/05/2023 Schedule of Charges (SoC) for various services of MSEDCL (with effect from 1st April- 2023.)
86 CE(Dist)/M-I/General/DDF Centages FY 2022-23/3905 13/02/2023 Loading of centages in estimates for DDF, DPDC, Scheme works FY 2022-23
85 CE(Dist)/ M-I/ NC/ 8353 04/04/2022 Supplementary Guidelines for Infrastructure Development to release New Connection
84 मु.अ.(वितरण)/भांका–१ /जीप्रयो/१२६८७ 07/06/2021 Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Jivan Prakash Yojana Circular
83 CE(Dist)/ M-I/ Bus Duct/ 6659 19/03/2021 Guidelines and delegation of power for approv Rising Mains Bus Duct in Multi Storied buildings
82 CE(Dist.)/M-I/NSC/ 6660 19/03/2021 Supplementary guidelines for Infrastructure development to release new connections
81 CE(Dist.)/M-III/ Schedule of Charges/ 09078 07/04/2020 Schedule of Charges (SoC) for various services of MSEDCL (with effect from 1st April- 2020.)
80 CE(Dist)/M-1/F-516/NSC-Augmentation/No 30441 04/11/2019 Guidelines for Infrastructure development to release new connections-requirement of land for establishment of distribution transformer in case of augmentation at same place
79 ED (Dist-II)/LT-Conn sanction/26331 18/09/2019 Revised delegation of powers to Sanction Estimate of new LT Connections.
78 CE(Dist)/D-III/FN-506/NSC/27609 30/09/2019 Guidelines for infrastucture devlopment to release new connections.
77 CE(Dist)/RE-I/27494 27/09/2019 Designation of the officers /offices competent to receive & settle applications for compensation under the SoP & List of Executive Engineer

76 CE(Dist)/D-III/FN-506/NSC/27609 30/09/2019 Guidelines (Additional) for Infrastructure Development to release new connection.
75 E.D.(Dist-II ) /Guidelines/NonSoP/25388 11/09/2019 Guidelines for sanctioning of power supply to Existing / New Consumers demanding power
supply on higher voltage level (Non SoP level) than specified in MERC Standard of
Performance (SoP) Regulations. 2014.
74 CE(Dist.)/RE/RE-1/16280 13/06/2019 MERC Order in case no. 102 of 2019 Dtd. 20.05.2019 (Regarding exempting the timelines for releasing the connections to Agriculture and Residential consumers & determination of compensation thereof)
73 CE (Dist)/D-III/R&M/11102 07/05/2019 Guidelines for execution of R & M works and utilization of funds thereof.
72 CE(Dist.)/RE-I/11839 07/05/2019 Circular about unplanned and frequent power outages in MIDC and other areas
71 ED/Dist-II/16213 12/06/2019 Circular regarding Removal of illegally fixed communication cables on MSEDCL Structures
70 CE(Dist_/RE/RE-1/16280 13/06/2019 Circular regarding MERC order in case no. 102 of 2019 dtd 20.05.2019.
69 CE (Dist)/D-III/NSC/14157 21/05/2019 Clarification guidelines for development of infrastructure by an applicant for NSC and refund of the expenditure on infrastructure.
68 CE (Dist)/D-III/Technical/7949 19/03/2019 Supplementary guidelines for Infrastructure development to release new connections
67 CE (Dist)/D-III/7500 15/03/2019 Distribution Circular Regarding Revised guidelines- Preparation of estimates for shifting of existing distribution electrical infrastructure due to road widening, construction of bridges, etc by National Highway Authority of India (NHAI), Public Works Department (PWD) , MSRDC, Railways, Local bodies, ec under DDF
66 CE (Dist.)/ Solar/2472 24/01/2019 implementation of Mukhyamantri Saur Krushi Pump Yojana
65 CE (Dist.)/ D-III/ NSC/30011 20/12/2018 Infrastructure Development for release of new connection
64 CE (Dist.)/ D-III/ Ag./ DFF/30175 21/12/2018 Extending the facility of DDF for releasing Agricultural connection on HVDS and for conversion of existing Ag connection from LVDS to HVDS
63 CE/MIVIC/MSC-I/29811 19/12/2018 Approved vendor list of LT Capacitors required for Agriculture pumps)
62 CE (Dist.)/ D-IV/ C.No. 195 of 2017/ SoC/29320 14/12/2018 Corrigendum Circular No. 29320 – Schedule of charges (case No. 195 of 2017)
61 CE (Dist.)/ Testing/ 40-200A Meter / Guidelines /25597 29/10/2018 Circular : Guidelines for proper installation of 40-200Amp CT Embedded Energy Meter for avoiding the PT missing event.
60 CE (Dist.)/ D-III/ NHAI/ T-87/24724 19/10/2018 Additional guidelines for preparation of estimates for shifting of existing distribution electrical infrastructure due to road widening, construction of bridges etc, by National Highway Authority of India (NHAI), Public Water Department (PWD), Local Bodies, etc.
59 CE (Dist.)/ D-IV/ C.No.195 of 2017/ SoC/23862 08/10/2018 Circular for revised Schedule of Charges (SoC) w.e.f. 1st Sept-2018, MERC Case No. 195 of 2017 dt. 08.10.2018.
58 CE/Dist/T/Safety/EI/20529 24/08/2018 Circular-Guidelines for observing electrical safety and reduction in Accidents thereof.
57 CE(Dist)/D-III/Non DDF Stoppage/147472 15/06/2018 Circular-Stoppage of Non- DDF CC&RF scheme for release of power supply to prospective consumers- Amendment to circular thereof.
56 क्र. मु.अ. (वितरण)/डी-३/NHAI Circular/२३७९९ 28/09/2017 परिपत्रक विषय – राष्ट्रीय महामार्ग प्राधिकरण, सार्वजनक बांधकाम विभाग, स्थानिक संस्था यांचेमार्फत रस्ता रुंदीकरण / नवीन रस्ते बांधणे / पुल बांधणी कामासाठी विद्युत वाहिनी स्थलांतर करताना मार्गदर्शक सुचना
55 CE(Dist)/D-III/NSC/10992 15/05/2018 Circular- Infrastructure development for release of new connections
54 CE/Testing/NET/ABT Meter/9692 26/04/2018 Circular- Utilization of existing installed ABT meter (SEM) as Net meter for Soalar rooftop projects.
53 ED(Dist)/D-III/Non DDF Stoppage/9245 23/04/2018 Circular- Stoppage of Non DDF CC&RF scheme
52 CE/Testing/HT-EHV/Metering/Circular/CM-CF/8378 16/04/2018 Circular- Guidelines regarding Metering in respect of HT/EHV consumers
51 ED(Dist)/D-III/Physical verification of Assests/1593 22/01/2018 Circular for Physical verification of MSEDCL assets
50 CE/Testing/Spare/CTPT insp./Std. Guidlines/1507 20/01/2018 Circular reagarding guidelines for keeping spare metering CTs and PTs in r/o EHV consumers/Generators
49 CE/Dist/D-IV/MERC/31793 29/12/2017 Amendment in Circular No. 25079 dt. 12.10.2017, for refund of SLC, ORC & Meter Cost Refund to Consumers.
48 CE/Dist/D-III/DTC Capacity & Metering /29874 07/12/2017 Use of commensurate capacity DTC and provision of DTC metering.
47 CE/Dist/D-IV/MERC/25079 12/10/2017 Refund of SLC ORC Meter Cost to the consumers
46 CE/Dist/D-IV/MERC/25079 12/10/2017 Circular – Refund of SLC, ORC & Meter Cost to consumers
45 CE/Dist/D-III/23799 28/09/2017 Guidelines – Preparation of estimates for shifting of existing distribution electrical infrastructure due to road widening, construction of bridges etc. by National Highway Authority of India (NHAI), Public Works Deptt. (PWD), Local bodies, etc.)
44 CE/MMC/SM/e-auction/002312 21/07/2017 Circular dtd. 21-07-2017 for Timely disposal of scrap/obsolete materials lying at various zones through e-auction
43 मु.अ. (वितरण )/ग्रावि /परिपत्रक /१५८७१ 07/06/2017 परिपत्रक : सन्माननीय लोक प्रतिनिधी यांना त्यांच्या विभागातील कामकाजाबाबत अवगत करण्याबाबत
42 CE(Dist)/R-III/AG-Pump/DDF/14025 07/06/2017 Revised Guidelines for releasing new Agriculture connections under DDF scheme.
41 CE/Testing/Star Rated/DT/9923 28/04/2017 Implementation of revised energy performance standard for Distribution Transformers up to 2500 KVA rating
40 CE/DIST/D-IV/7846 06/04/2017 Circular Notified voltage
39 CE/DIST/D-III/Circular/Safety/1084 17/01/2017 Circular – Preventive measures to reduce accidents
38 CE/DIST/T/24615 03/08/2016 Guidelines for ensuring separate earthing of solar roof-top PV project and safety thereof
37 CE(Dist)/D-III/MERC/SOC/399387 03/11/2007 Recovery of Supervision Charges
36 CE(Dist)/D-IV/Centages/DDF works /24007 29/07/2016 Recovery of Centages for DDF Scheme Works
35 CE(Dist)/D-III/Main Tran Cap less than 1000 kva/23650 27/07/2016 Maintenance schedule of transformers of capacities less than 1000 KVA
34 CE(Dist)/D-III/Continuous Supply/HT Consumer/07388 04/03/2016 Maintaining continuous supply to HT Consumer by reducing Planned/Forced outages-Directives thereof
33 CE(Dist)/D-III/Continuous Supply/HT Consumer/07388 04/03/2016 Maintaining continuous supply to HT Consumer by reducing Planned/Forced outages-Directives thereof
32 CE(Dist)/D-III/43000 31/12/2015 Waival of 1.3% supervision charges of the works carried out by MIDC Authority under DDF schemes in MIDC / Industrial cluster area
31 CE(Dist)/D-IV/39028 10/11/2015 पंचायत /ग्रामपंचायत कार्यालयात महावितरणचे अधिकारी व कर्मचारी यांची नावे व भ्रमणध्वनी क्रमांक असलेले फलक लावणेबाबत
30 CE(Dist)/D-III/Req. of Land/39010 09/11/2015 Supplement to Circular No. CE(Dist)/D-III/Req. of Land/28792 Dt:17.07.2015
29 CE(Dist.)RE-III/Tenders/36360 3/10/2015 To Avoid Sending of un-necessary copies of correspondence to H.O.
28 CE(Dist.)/RE-III/Tenders/33936 11/09/2015 Qualitative and Quantitative inspection of works carried out for Ag.Pump energization under special package and Backlog Funds.
27 CE/Dist./32900 03/09/2015 Effective Implementation (Circular No.CE/Dist./32900 Dt.03.09.2015)
26 CE(Dist.)/Ag pump/EE/RE-I/29874 31/07/2015 Task Force for Inspection of AG Energisation Works,under special package and Backlog scheme
25 CE(Dist.)/D-III/29450 24/07/2015 Revision of Delegation of powers in case of administrative approval / sanction of DDF proposals costing more than Rs.10 Crs.
24 CE(Dist)/D-III/Req. of Land/ 28792 17/07/2015 Revised Guidelines for Requirement of adequate land for Distribution Transformer Centers and Substations while releasing connection to
Residential/Commercial/Industrial etc. complexes/township/establishments, having multiple numbers of connections.
23 Dir(O)/MSEDCL/SS&online Cap/28777 16/07/2015 CIRCULAR :Providing and maintaining 33/11KV Substation & HT Line Capacitors
22 CE(Dist.)/R-III/Tenders/24267 28/05/2015 Agricultural Pump energization -Sub Division wise tender orders to be places at circle level-powers for Price Negotiations thereof
21 CE(Dist.)/RE-III/Tenders/22784 21/05/2015 Modification in guidelines in common tender documents for Ag pump energization
20 CE(Dist.)/D-IV/Unemployed Engrs Scheme/22200 15/05/2015 CIRCULAR :Allocation of Works by Lottery System to Unemployed Engineers
19 CE(Dist.)/R-III/21521 08/05/2015 Action Plan for improvement in pro-active response/detail monitoring of various issues by Executive Engineer
18 CE(Dist.)/D-III/EHV/Circular/27960 06/09/2014 Guidelines for framing proposals regarding Establishment of new EHV substations / Augmentation / Additional Power Transformers.
17 CE(Dist.)/RE-III/Tenders/19875 20/06/2014 Guidelines for submission of proposals to AG. Turnkey Contracts..
16 CE(Dist.)/RE-III/Circular/16375 28/05/2014 Guidelines for Use of RSJ pole for erection of Transformer DP Structure.
15 CE(Dist.)RE-1/Ag.PUMP/15531 19/05/2014 Chronological Order for releasing Ag Pump Connections.
14 CE(Dist.)/RE-III/Tenders/20016 16/04/2015 Forwording of sample total turnkey tender document for Ag.pump energization.
13 CE(Dist.)/RE/Ag.Pump/4900 12/02/2014 Revise Guidelines for releasing of new Agriculture connections. . . clarification thereof.
12 Dir(proj)/3090 30/01/2014 Execution of paid pending Ag pump Energisation works under full turnkey contract
11 CE(Dist.)/RE/Ag.Pump/3030 29/01/2014 Revise Guidelines for releasing of new Agriculture connections..
10 CE(Infra)/30208 11/11/2013 Inspection of Ag Pump energization works..
9 CEC/Coporate/BND 0240 25/02/2013 Enhancement in the limit of expenditure on hiring of vehicles for flying squads.
8 CE/DIST-III/SOC/24500 30/08/2012 Revision in Schedule of Charges.
7 CE/Dist/D-III/16037 08/06/2012 Redelegation of powers for technical sanction for works related to LT & HT connections under all schemes.
6 CE/Dist/D-III/15754 06/06/2012 Requirement of adequate land for Distribution Transformer Centers and Substations while releasing connection to bigger societies/builders.
5 CE(Dist)/D-III/Circular/25680 19/06/2008 Procedure to plan for electrifying  areas preparation of schemes  (DPRs) and   releasing new  connections
4 CE(Dist)/D-III/Circular/25680 19/06/2008 राज्यातील निरनिराळ्या भागांच्या विद्युतीकरणासाठी योजना आखणे , तपशीलवार प्रकल्प अहवाल तयार करणे नवीन विद्युत जोडण्या देणे यासाठीची कार्यपद्धती
3 क्र. मु.अ. (वितरण)/डी-३/परिपत्रक /२२१९७ 20/05/2008 नवीन सेवा जोडण्या देण्याकरिता व क्षमता वाढ करण्याकरिता मार्गदर्शक सूत्रे
2 CE(Dist)/D-III/Circular/22197 20/05/2008 Guidelines for releasing new connections and augmentation
1 Ref : CE/Dist/D-III/MERC/ 03/09/2007 Refund of meter cost


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