Government Resolution

New Government Resolution
New GR of MSKPY Phase-II & III
The Govt. of Maharashtra has issued resolution no. SolarProj-2018/ C.No.4018/ Energy-7 Dt. 01.01.2019.
Approved Modifications:
- Additional provision for 2 DC LEDs, 1 Fan & socket for mobile charging subject to no financial burden.
- After finalizing beneficiaries for General & SC/ST Category and after demand of MSEDCL Grant will be released.
- MSEDCL will ensure the assured water availability from water source viz. river, Nala, Canal, Bore well, Dug well etc.
- Withdrawal of District Beneficiary Selection committee for ease.
- Expenditure of Rs. 8 Crore is granted from LMC fund for administrative expenses & wide publicity.
- compulsion for NOC from GSDA, RFID tag for Solar Panel, Registered Contract between beneficiary & agency for 5 years CMC is waived off.
- MSEDCL is Pump eligible for RPO for Generated power from Solar Pump