
Vendor will be responsible for operation and maintenance of project for 5 years.

Consumer will submit the Solar Rooftop application form in DISCOM Portal and will choose preferred empanelled vendor.

DISCOM online portal Empanelled vendor list

Empaneled Vendors will install the Solar Rooftop project at consumer roof and synchronize the project with DISCOM.

  • Empanelled vendor and DISCOM will analyse the feasibility of Solar Rooftop system
  • Empanelled vendors will commence installation of plant

Rooftop solar Installation Activities


  • Submission of Solar Rooftop application in DISCOM portal
  • Selection of vendor from the list of empanelled vendors
  • Co-ordinate with vendor for system installation
  • Collect all the necessary documents from the installer
  • Signing Joint Inspection Report during plant commissioning


  • Feasibility analysis of Solar Rooftop in consumer roof
  • Installation of Solar Rooftop plant as per the DISCOM specifications
  • Testing and commissioning of plant as per DISCOM guidelines
  • Signing Joint Inspection Report after plant commissioning
  • Undertaking operation and maintenance of project for 5 years post commissioning


  • Undertake technical feasibility of consumer application
  • Scrutinization of application documents
  • Testing, the Solar Rooftop Project and ensuring compliance of grid interconnection and safety standards.
  • Signing Joint Inspection Report after plant commissioning