Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd.

Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd.

Magel Tyala Saur Krushi Pump Yojana

Frequently Asked Questions

A solar water pump or a solar photovoltaic water pumping system is a system powered by solar energy. It is just like the traditional electric pump with the only exception that it uses solar energy instead of fossil fuel or electricity. It consists of one or more solar panels, also known as solar photovoltaic modules, a motor pump set, electronic controls or a controller device to operate the pump, the required hardware and in some cases, other items like inverters, batteries, etc.

A solar water pump is used for extracting water from ponds, rivers, borewells or other sources of water which are then used to meet the water requirements for irrigation, community water supply, livestock and other purposes.

It works like any other pump set with the only difference being the solar energy used instead of nonrenewable energy for its operation. When sunlight falls on the solar panels it produces direct current (DC) which then feeds the motor to pump out the water. However, in the case where the motor requires an alternating current (AC), the DC produced by solar panels is converted to AC using an inverter. As it is working on solar energy , its beneficial for farmers for day time irrigation.

  • Solar water pumps do not require any fuel or electricity to operate. Once installed, solar water pumps do not incur the recurring costs of electricity or fuel.
  • Does not get affected by power cuts, low voltage, single phase problems or the motor burning.
  • Can be installed in remote areas where electricity is unavailable or diesel is difficult to procure.
  • Incurs low maintenance costs as solar water pumps have fewer moving parts as compared to a diesel-powered pump and thus, fewer chances of wear and tear.
  • No lubricants are required for operation and hence no chances of water/soil contamination due to the lubricants.
  • Easy to operate
  • Day time power supply to Farmers

Magel Solar Agriculture Pump Yojana will be implemented for those farmers who have sustainable water source and those farmers who do not have electricity supply through conventional methods for irrigation of agriculture. Under this scheme solar agricultural pumps will be installed in the state.

Keeping in mind the importance of solar energy, various schemes of solar agricultural pumps are being implemented in Maharashtra since 2015 by the State Government. Earlier Atal Solar Agricultural Pump Scheme, Mukhyamantri Solar Krushi Pump Yojana was implemented. Also, solar agriculture pumps are being installed under the Pradhan Mantri Kusum Component-B scheme at present.

In the state as on 06.09.2024, total 2,63,156 solar agricultural pumps have been installed. Keeping in mind the benefit of this solar energy to the farmers and also the response of the farmers regarding the solar agricultural pump, the state government has announced the “Magel Tyala Saur Krushi Pump Yojana.”

All the farmers who have a sustainable water source and where electricity supply for traditional agricultural pumps has not been provided before can benefit from this scheme. Preference will be given to farmers who are with pending payment with MSEDCL but yet not connected..

Under this scheme, a separate web portal has been created by MSEDCL to get new solar agricultural pumps. The applicant has to fill the A-1 form online through the web portal or by visiting the link The said application is very simple and easy, necessary documents have to be uploaded along with the application.

7/12 copy of farm held by the farmer (water source record required), Aadhaar card, caste certificate (for scheduled caste/tribe beneficiaries) are required. If the applicant himself is not the sole owner of the agricultural land, it is mandatory to give no objection certificate of other shareholders / owners. If the water source is in the dark zone, it is mandatory to issue a no objection certificate by the Ground Water Survey Department. Apart from this, the customer's mobile number, email address (if any), water source and room details of the contact must be filled in the application.

As soon as the beneficiary applicant submits the online application form, the beneficiary number and other details will be communicated to the applicant through SMS on his mobile number. Also, information about the current status of the application at various stages will be communicated to the applicant through SMS on his mobile number. Additionally, the applicant can visit the web portal to view the status of the application based on the beneficiary number.

Yes, there are certain criteria for selecting the location for both the solar panels and the pump. In the case of the solar panels, they should be installed in an area which is shade free and has no dust or dirt, has a low incidence of bird droppings and which can provide space for unrestricted tracking movement (keeping the orientation of the solar panels in the direction of maximum solar irradiation). Also, the surface where the panels are mounted should be even. Panels should be easily accessible for cleaning and should be as close as possible to the pump and water source. The pumps should be located close to the solar panels but within the area to be irrigated.

Solar farm pump once installed should not be re-installed or moved to another location. Vide GoM clarification dated 05.03.2024, the beneficiary farmers who have installed solar agricultural pumps will be prohibited from selling or transferring the said solar agricultural pumps. If the beneficiary farmers sell or transfer such solar agricultural pumps, action deem fit will be initiated against them by the MSEDCL.

In order to participate in the scheme, the beneficiaries of the general category will have to pay 10 percent of the solar agriculture pump price and the Scheduled caste, Scheduled tribe beneficiaries will have to pay 5 percent of the solar agriculture pump price.

Under this scheme, 1) the farmer holding agricultural land up to 2.5 acres,is eligible for 3 HP solar agricultural pump 2) the farmer holding agricultural land from 2.51 to 5 acres is eligible for 5 HP solar agricultural pump 3) the farmer holding agricultural land above 5 acres is eligible for 7.5 HP solar agricultural pump. Also, demand for solar agricultural pump of less capacity than qualified capacity will remain permissible

  1. Farmers will be able to irrigate during the day time.
  2. Due to interruption of power supply, low voltage or single phase Irrigation will not be affected.
  3. No Cost of electricity bill or diesel due to non-use of electricity or diesel
  4. Incurs low maintenance costs.
  5. There is no danger of electrical accidents from broken wires or falling poles
  6. Help to maintain the balance of the environment.

The solar provided by vendors are made with the latest technology and rarely get damaged due to natural calamities like lightning, storms, hail. Even a rare lightning strike can damage solar panels. To avoid this danger, a lightning protection device (Lighting Arrestor) will be installed along with the solar pump.

The maintenance and repair period of the said solar agricultural pump will be 5 years. During this period, if the solar agricultural pump not work , the agency will be responsible for repairing it free of charge within the fixed period for repair and maintenance. Farmers are required to immediately inform the MSEDCL Toll Free as well as the Customer Service Center of the concerned agency in case of non working solar agricultural pump.

The system needs very minimal maintenance which includes cleaning of the panels on a regular basis. Cleaning maintains the efficiency of the panel without which the panel’s surface gets reduced exposure to irradiation from the dust and dirt on it.

In case of theft of solar agricultural pump material, a complaint should be lodged immediately at the nearest police station through First Information Report (FIR). Also, the information should be given to the MSEDCL Office and the Customer Service Center of the concerned agency.

The solar farm pump is insured by the pump installing agency for 5 years so the solar pump of the beneficiary will be eligible for compensation from the insurance company. The pump installer agency will cooperate with the insurance company for compensation.

If the farmers have any complaint regarding the solar agricultural pump, the farmers should contact Centralized Customer Care of MSEDCL on Toll free number and register their complaint. Toll free numbers 1800-233-3435 or 1800-212-3435 have been made available for this purpose. Complaints received at the Centralized Customer Care will be forwarded to the concerned agency. Grievances of farmers will be redressed by said agency.

An applicant farmer should contact the taluka level sub-divisional office of MSEDCL in case of difficulty in applying online. Apart from contact to be made Centralized Customer Care of MSEDCL Toll free number 1800-233-3435 or 1800-212-3435 of MSEDCL has been made available for this purpose.