Circular Sr. No. Name of the Circular Date of the Circular 5 MSEDCL’s Renewable Energy Circular No.05 dated-16.06.2022 regarding Procedure for purchase of 10% banked Wind/Solar energy by MSEDCL 16.06.2022 4. Guidelines for online application to the consumers opting 100% Renewable Energy for levy of Green Power Tariff. 12.04.2022 3. Procedure for levy of Green Power Tariff to the consumers opting for 100% Renewable Energy 23.03.2022 2. Circular for Procedure of Change in Name/Ownership of Renewable Energy Generators, A. Joint Application Form B. Draft Undertaking C. Draft PPA for Change in Name D. Draft PPA for Change in Ownership 09.07.2019 1. Circular for Commissioning Procedure of connectivity/commissioning of solar power projects under MSKVY 04.12.2018