Voluntary Disclosures of Information Under Section 4(b) of RTI -2005
1. Organization Structure of Corporate Office
Chairman &Managing DirectorShri. Lokesh Chandra (IAS)
- OSD To CMDShri.Mangesh Kohat
2. Powers and duties of functional heads/officers & employees of company
BOARD OF DIRECTORS | As per the provisions of Memorandum of Association & Article of Association Click here |
Executive Director (HR) | In charge of Human Resources Affairs. |
Executive Director (Commercial) | In charge of Commercial, Load Management, Power Purchase, Distribution Franchise. |
Executive Director (Projects) | In charge of distribution projects like Infrastructure, APDRP, Special Projects, RGGVY & Material Management. |
Regional Director- Konkan Region | In charge of Kalyan, Bhandup, Konkan and Nashik Zone. |
Regional Director- Pune Region | In charge of In charge of Pune, Kolhapur and Baramati Zone. |
Regional Director- Aurangabad Region | In charge of Aurangabad, Nanded, Latur and Jalgaon Zone. |
Regional Director- Nagpur Region | In charge of Nagpur, Chandrapur,Gondia, Akola and Amravati Zone. |
Functions & duties of Field Chief Engineers are as under :-
- Overall supervision and implementation of various activities under his area of jurisdiction as per the policies setout by Corporate Office and GoM from time to time,
- To redress the grievances of the consumers
- Monitoring of release of connections to the new applicants as per rules and procedure
- Monitoring of recovery of company’s dues from the consumers.
- To attend the meetings convened by the Ministers, GoM/GoI offices like Commissioner.
- To utilize the funds as per the target set by Corporate Office from time to time,
Functions & duties of Field Suptdg. Engineers (Circle) are as under :-
- Overall supervision and implementation of various activities under his area of jurisdiction as per the policies setout by MSEDCL from time to time.
- To redress the grievances of the consumers
- Monitoring of release of connections to the new applicants as per rules and procedure
- Monitoring of recovery of company’s dues from the consumers.
- To attend the meetings convened by the Ministers, GoM offices like Collector, Chief Executive Officer of Zilla Parishad.
- To utilize the funds as per the target set by Corporate Office from time to time.
Functions & duties of Field Executive Engineers (Divisions) are as under :-
- Overall supervision and implementation of various activities under his area of jurisdiction as per the policies setout by MSEDCL from time to time.
- To redress the grievances of the consumers
- Monitoring of release of connections to the new applicants as per rules and procedure
- Monitoring of recovery of company’s dues from the consumers.
- To attend the meetings convened by the Ministers, GoM offices like Collector, Chief Executive Officer of Zilla Parishad.
- To utilize the funds as per the target set by Corporate Office from time to time
Functions & duties of Field Additional Executive Engineers / Dy Executive Engineers (Sub Dns.) are as under :-
- Overall supervision and implementation of various activities under his area of jurisdiction as per the policies setout by MSEDCL from time to time.
- Maintenance of supply and redressal of fuse call off complaints.
- Issue and distribution of energy bills to the consumers and redressal of billing complaints.
- Release of connections to the new applicants as per rules and procedure
- To recover company’s dues from the consumers.
- To redress the grievances of the consumers
- To attend the meetings convened by the Block Development Officer of Panchayat Samiti
Functions & duties of Field Assistant Engineers/ Junior Engineers (Section Office) are as under :-
- Overall supervision and implementation of various activities under his area of jurisdiction as per the policies setout by MSEDCL from time to time.
- Maintenance of supply and redressal of fuse call off complaints.
- Acceptance of A-1 forms for new connections, undertake survey and check technical feasibility, issue demand note and release connections as per rules and procedure.
- To recover company’s dues from the consumers.
- To redress the grievances of the consumers
3. Decision making process, supervision and accountability
Officers exercise their powers as laid down in various General Oders and circulars issued from time to time.
Link for :
4. The physical & financial norms set by the organisation
The financial norms are to be followed strictly as per the procedure set out in the GO2 and amended from time to time. Further based on the techno – economic considerations and
subject to availability of funds the physical targets are also set circle wise, division wise and efforts are made to achieve them. The standards of performance in respect of consumer
services approved by MERC are all ready available on Company website.
5. Rules, regulations, instructions, manuals, records, related with the functioning of office constituting the organisation
CIRCULARS | On matters relating to Operation and Maintenance, Commercial, Personnel, Financial and Administration are issued from time to time. |
6. Statement of the categories of documents
- A-1 form for new connection, Forms for change of name in connections.
- Copy of the Energy bills
- Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) (Standard of Performance of Distribution Licensees, period for giving supply and Determination of Compensation) Regulations, 2014
- Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (Electricity Supply Code and Standards of Performance of Distribution Licensees including Power Quality) Regulations, 2021
- Tariff booklet
- GO2
- Service Regulations (SR)
- Various circulars, orders and correspondence (Visit Consumer Portal menu under Downloads)
7. Particulars of arrangement exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in formulating policy or implementation thereof
As per section 166(4) of EA 2003, co-ordination forum (State Advisory Committee) is constituted at State level.
As per section 166(5) of EA 2003, coordination committees are constituted at the district level.
8. For names of the board of directors of the company
- Board Meetings are not open to public
10. Annual budget allocation and expenditure statement
- For Annual Budget (Click Here)
- For Statement of Accounts (Click here)
11. Manner of execution of subsidy programmes and details of beneficiaries
MSEDCL is basically involved in Distribution of Electricity through 33/22/11 KV Sub-stations. MSEDCL provides power supply at a highly subsidized rate to about 75% consumers including the consumers in BPL, Agriculture, Public Water Works, Residential (lower consumption) etc. categories. The Agriculture & power loom consumers are further subsidized by GoM & this subsidy is paid by GoM to MSEDCL in cash.
Non-Tribal (General)
This scheme is executed for the benefit of the common people. The work of general electrification such as new connections and System Improvement work are carried out from this fund. Under this scheme, residential connections, Ag. Connections, Street light, PWW, Industrial connections are released.
For FY 2019-20 GoM released funds of Rs. 292.01 crs to MSEDCL. Total 8222 Residential connections, 46 Ag connections and 6738 Street light connections are
released under this scheme and for these works Rs. 285.16 crs expenditure is incurred.
For FY 2020-21 GoM released funds of Rs. 411.75 crs. to MSEDCL. Total 5128 Residential connections, 239 Ag connections and 5179 Street light connections are
released under this scheme and for these works Rs. 349.45 crs expenditure is incurred. Balance work is in progress.
For FY 2021-22 GoM released funds of Rs. 303.13 crs. to MSEDCL. Total 5054 Residential connections, 33 Ag connections and 1328 Street light connections are
released under this scheme and for these works Rs. 106.50 crs expenditure is incurred. Balance work is in progress.
The objective of GoM for implementing this scheme is to fill gap of economical development of Scheduled-Caste & Nav-Bouddha beneficiaries. The district wise yearly plan under this scheme is approved by GoM. The electrification of streetlight connection, release of L&F as well as Ag connections to Scheduled Caste & Nav-Buddha beneficiaries & associated infrastructure work are carried out through these funds. The fund under this scheme is provided by GoM as grant.
For FY 2019-20 GoM released funds of Rs. 146.89 crs to MSEDCL. Total 2454 Residential connections, 1762 Ag connections and 1882 Street light connections are
released under this scheme and for these works Rs. 145.03 crs expenditure is incurred.
For FY 2020-21 GoM released funds of Rs. 166.68 crs. to MSEDCL. Total 1751 Residential connections, 2517 Ag connections and 291 Street light connections are
released under this scheme and for these works Rs. 136.40 crs expenditure is incurred. Balance work is in progress.
For FY 2021-22 GoM released funds of Rs. 132.85 crs. to MSEDCL. Total 1540 Residential connections, 827 Ag connections and 59 Street light connections are
released under this scheme and for these works Rs. 50.70 crs expenditure is incurred. Balance work is in progress.
Tribal sub-plan (District level)
The objective of GoM for implementing this scheme is to fill gap of development between Tribal & other than tribal area, to improve living status of Tribal peoples, to increase rate of social as well as economical development of Tribal peoples. The electrification of un-electrified Tribal Wadi / Vastis, release of L&F as well as Ag connections to Tribal beneficiaries & associated infrastructure work are carried out
through this fund.
For FY 2019-20, GoM released funds of Rs. 98.57 Crs. and Rs. 16.68 Crs. to MSEDCL for TSP and OTSP schemes respectively.
Under TSP scheme 521 Ag pump, 1188 residential connections and 74 wadipada are electrified and for these works Rs. 97.63 crs expenditure is incurred.
Under OTSP scheme 124 Ag pump, 630 residential connections and 1 wadipada are electrified and for these works Rs. 16.49 crs expenditure is incurred.
For FY 2020-21, GoM released funds of Rs. 93.31 Crs. and Rs. 22.71 Crs. to MSEDCL for TSP and OTSP schemes respectively.
Under TSP scheme 302 Ag pump, 821 residential connections and 119 wadipada are electrified and for these works Rs. 82.53 crs expenditure is incurred. Balance work is in progress.
Under OTSP scheme 177 Ag pump and 473 residential connections are electrified and for these works Rs. 16.37 crs expenditure is incurred. Balance work is in progress.
For FY 2021-22, GoM released funds of Rs. 54.16 Crs. and Rs. 12.18 Crs. to MSEDCL for TSP and OTSP schemes respectively.
Under TSP scheme 107 Ag pump, 60 residential connections and 23 wadipada are electrified and for these works Rs. 17.07 crs expenditure is incurred. Balance work is in progress.
Under OTSP scheme 88 Ag pump, 355 residential connections and 6 wadipada are electrified and for these works Rs. 3.73 crs expenditure is incurred. Balance work is in progress.
12. Details of the recipients and nature of concession, permits
35.21 Lakhs | Agricultural Consumers. |
56,478 | Power Loom Consumers. |
1,66,103 | Domestic Consumers in BPL category |
10,50,921 | RGGVY beneficiaries |
The SC/ST/ DTNT category applicants can get the new residential connections by paying only security deposit and application fees and they need not pay any other charges.
13. Details of information in electronic form available in office
- Consumer Bills, consumption pattern & payment pattern, history
- Monthly metered consumer’s sale, billed amount & Collection reports.
- Feeder hourly readings
- Reliability Indices (SAIFI/SAIDI/CAIDI)
- Number of Consumers, Contract Demand & Connected Load
- Energy Audit Reports
- Projects
14. Facilities available (library, public counter etc) to citizens for obtaining information
Notice Boards are provided in the premises of the MSEDCL offices.
Presently there are 14 Libraries at various zones in Mahavitaran.
Most of the information has been made available to consumers through official website. The information of interest to consumers includes-
- View & Pay Bills Online.
- Prepaid Meter Online Recharge
- Mobile App
- Request for E-Bill
- Standards of Performance
- Electricity Supply Code and Other Conditions of Supply
- Conditions of Supply for MSEDCL
- Electricity Consumer Rights
- Application Form
- Bill Calculator
- Citizen Charter for NEC/EPP Decision
- Distribution Open Access
- Know your Bill Format
15. List of the APIOs, PIOs & AAs
16. Such other information as may be prescribed
For redressal of consumer grievances MSEDCL has set up Consumer Grievances Redressal Forums (CGRFs) at 11 locations as notified in MERC (Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum & Electricity Ombudsman) Regulation, 2020.
Forums for Redressal of Consumer Grievances are functioning with Chairperson, Member (Consumer Protection Organization) and Member Technical (Executive Engineer, MSEDCL) as per provisions in the Regulations. Web based Internal Complaint Redressal System (ICRS) is important feature of new Regulations which will replace existing Internal Grievance Redressal Cell (IGRC).
As per the Regulation 2020, every aggrieved Consumer can file his grievance either to Internal Complaint Redressal system (ICRS) or to Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) directly.
For Customer satisfaction 24×7 operating 15 call centers have been commissioned for redressing “no power” complaints of consumers at Kalyan, Bhandup, Pune, Nashik, Aurangabad, Nagpur, Kolhapur, Sangli, Akola, Solapur, Nanded, Dhule, Jalgaon, Ahmednagar and Amravati
Toll Free Call centre number is 18002 333435.
Online bill payment facility has been made available for all LT consumers across the state by commissioning own Payment Gateway on MSEDCL website www.mahadiscom.in.
13 state of the art Consumer Facilitation Centers (CFCs) have been opened at major Urban Centers. In addition 31 small CFCs have been established at Sub Divisions.
Customers can receive their monthly bills via email by registering on MSEDCL’s website.
For customer satisfaction 24 X 7 operating Centralized Customer Care Centre has been commissioned at Bhandup for redressal of “no power” complaints of consumers. One more at Aurangabad is planned.
The Urja Mitra meetings are arranged at division, circle and zone levels after regular intervals.