Empowering the Consumer
Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL), a wholly owned corporate entity under the Maharashtra Government, was incorporated under the Companies Act on 31st May, 2005 after restructuring the erstwhile Maharashtra State Electricity Board to distribute electricity from the end point of transmission to the end consumers.
MSEDCL is a Public Company in the category of ‘State Government Company’ registered under the Companies Act 1956, with the main objectives of developing, operating and maintenance of distribution system for supplying electricity to the consumers in its area of supply. As a deemed distribution licensee under section 14 of the Electricity Act 2003, MSEDCL is carrying out the supply of power to the end users as well as maintaining the wire business for supply of such power.
Currently, MSEDCL provides electricity throughout the State of Maharashtra and in few suburbs of Mumbai city and is considered to be one of the largest power distribution Company both in the country and in Asia, in terms of number of consumers and electricity supplied whereby it serves more than 2.70 Crores consumers with around 70000+ employees. In terms of infrastructure, the Company operates a vast network comprising of 4000+ 33/11 kV sub-stations and switching stations, approximately 25,000 High Voltage Feeders, approximately 8 Lakh Distribution transformers, 3.30 Lakh KMs of 11 kV lines and approximately 50,000 KMs of 33 kV lines spread over 3.08 Thousand sq.km geographical area of Maharashtra covering 41,928 villages and 457 towns. Presently, the Company operates through a network of offices consisting of a Corporate Office, 4 Regional Offices, 16 Zonal Offices, 46 Circle Offices, 147 Divisional Offices and 652 Sub-divisional offices.
The Company has generation tie up capacity of 33755 MW, of which 8027 MW is renewable energy. The Company is in surplus position since March 2012 and successfully met the peak demand of 22,832 MW in April 2021. The overall AT&C (Aggregate Technical and Commercial) losses for the Company has reduced from 33.89 % in FY 2006-07 to 20.73% FY 2020-21, which is below the national average of 23%. As a part of demand side management, agricultural feeders which are 40% of the total feeders, have been separated assuring minimum 8 hours of quality power supply to uplift the rural economy. Under the Chief Minister Solar Agricultural Scheme (akin to Central Government’s KUSUM scheme), 106 feeders have been solarised, giving benefit of continuous supply to around 38,000 agricultural consumers. Under the same scheme, 1340 MW capacity has been contracted, out of which 339 MW has already been commissioned. The Company has entered into long-term PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements) to procure around 8000 MW of renewable energy.
The Company is providing various consumer services such as new connection, load change, name change, complaint redressal, go-green, notification for supply interruption etc. on digital platform through the dedicated consumer portal and also through the ‘Mobile app’. The Company is also deploying latest IT implementations to pace up with the technological advances happening in the power sector. AMR/AMI has been provided to all HT consumers. The Company stresses on value creation and cost optimization. In order to achieve the same, in the next five years, the Company is committed in improving IT interventions and system strengthening measures with an ultimate aim to reduce the AT&C losses to 15 %. Further, the Company is also planning a ‘Substation Monitoring Scheme’ for better accounting of consumption and losses on each of its feeders. The Company is also planning to deploy smart meters in compliance to the directives of Ministry of Power, Government of India.
We at MSEDCL are committed to do our best to achieve the national goal of uninterrupted and quality power to all at a cheaper cost.
Organisation Structure:

Empowering the Consumer
Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL), a wholly owned corporate entity under the Maharashtra Government, was incorporated under the Companies Act on 31st May, 2005 after restructuring the erstwhile Maharashtra State Electricity Board to distribute electricity from the end point of transmission to the end consumers.
MSEDCL is a Public Company in the category of ‘State Government Company’ registered under the Companies Act 1956, with the main objectives of developing, operating and maintenance of distribution system for supplying electricity to the consumers in its area of supply. As a deemed distribution licensee under section 14 of the Electricity Act 2003, MSEDCL is carrying out the supply of power to the end users as well as maintaining the wire business for supply of such power.
Currently, MSEDCL provides electricity throughout the State of Maharashtra and in few suburbs of Mumbai city and is considered to be one of the largest power distribution Company both in the country and in Asia, in terms of number of consumers and electricity supplied whereby it serves more than 2.70 Crores consumers with around 70000+ employees. In terms of infrastructure, the Company operates a vast network comprising of 4000+ 33/11 kV sub-stations and switching stations, approximately 25,000 High Voltage Feeders, approximately 8 Lakh Distribution transformers, 3.30 Lakh KMs of 11 kV lines and approximately 50,000 KMs of 33 kV lines spread over 3.08 Thousand sq.km geographical area of Maharashtra covering 41,928 villages and 457 towns. Presently, the Company operates through a network of offices consisting of a Corporate Office, 4 Regional Offices, 16 Zonal Offices, 46 Circle Offices, 147 Divisional Offices and 652 Sub-divisional offices.
The Company has generation tie up capacity of 33755 MW, of which 8027 MW is renewable energy. The Company is in surplus position since March 2012 and successfully met the peak demand of 22,832 MW in April 2021. The overall AT&C (Aggregate Technical and Commercial) losses for the Company has reduced from 33.89 % in FY 2006-07 to 20.73% FY 2020-21, which is below the national average of 23%. As a part of demand side management, agricultural feeders which are 40% of the total feeders, have been separated assuring minimum 8 hours of quality power supply to uplift the rural economy. Under the Chief Minister Solar Agricultural Scheme (akin to Central Government’s KUSUM scheme), 106 feeders have been solarised, giving benefit of continuous supply to around 38,000 agricultural consumers. Under the same scheme, 1340 MW capacity has been contracted, out of which 339 MW has already been commissioned. The Company has entered into long-term PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements) to procure around 8000 MW of renewable energy.
The Company is providing various consumer services such as new connection, load change, name change, complaint redressal, go-green, notification for supply interruption etc. on digital platform through the dedicated consumer portal and also through the ‘Mobile app’. The Company is also deploying latest IT implementations to pace up with the technological advances happening in the power sector. AMR/AMI has been provided to all HT consumers. The Company stresses on value creation and cost optimization. In order to achieve the same, in the next five years, the Company is committed in improving IT interventions and system strengthening measures with an ultimate aim to reduce the AT&C losses to 15 %. Further, the Company is also planning a ‘Substation Monitoring Scheme’ for better accounting of consumption and losses on each of its feeders. The Company is also planning to deploy smart meters in compliance to the directives of Ministry of Power, Government of India.
We at MSEDCL are committed to do our best to achieve the national goal of uninterrupted and quality power to all at a cheaper cost.